4.1.19 - Seeking My Peace
After riding life's emotional roller coaster, I finally crashed. I hit a low when it seemed my world was crumbline down around me. In order to climb out of the depressed, anxious darkness, you must first realize where you before you can consciously find a way out. I was lucky enough to have landed on a yoga mat with an amazing teacher who gave me many gifts. I found my breath. I realized how often I was actually holding it. I was not able to stand on one foot because my life was so imbalanced that my body reflected it back to me. I found space from my feelings and emotions that allowed me an opportunity to respond rather than react to life.
Yoga gave me a foundation for which to create the me I longed to be, just didn't know she was. I became what others reflected back to me. I started to focus on the things that brought me joy personally, things I loved, times I lost all sense of time. And not worry about the how, just decide what I wanted.
And it wasn't one thing. It is a combination many things and many people. It just has to begin small, with the first step. What if I...and paint your own canvas the colors of your dreams. Follow your heart for it knows the way.
To foster a sense of peace, we must have a practice to create a sense of peace. Yoga, meditation, energy work and horses all work together to foster a consistent peaceful state of being. Eating healthy - preferably organic, limiting toxins, living and healing naturally all add to this balance. And don't forget about self care. We can only care for others if we first care for our self. Feeding our body, mind and soul.
4.1.19 - Seeking My Peace
After riding life's emotional roller coaster, I finally crashed. I hit a low when it seemed my world was crumbline down around me. In order to climb out of the depressed, anxious darkness, you must first realize where you before you can consciously find a way out. I was lucky enough to have landed on a yoga mat with an amazing teacher who gave me many gifts. I found my breath. I realized how often I was actually holding it. I was not able to stand on one foot because my life was so imbalanced that my body reflected it back to me. I found space from my feelings and emotions that allowed me an opportunity to respond rather than react to life.
Yoga gave me a foundation for which to create the me I longed to be, just didn't know she was. I became what others reflected back to me. I started to focus on the things that brought me joy personally, things I loved, times I lost all sense of time. And not worry about the how, just decide what I wanted.
And it wasn't one thing. It is a combination many things and many people. It just has to begin small, with the first step. What if I...and paint your own canvas the colors of your dreams. Follow your heart for it knows the way.
To foster a sense of peace, we must have a practice to create a sense of peace. Yoga, meditation, energy work and horses all work together to foster a consistent peaceful state of being. Eating healthy - preferably organic, limiting toxins, living and healing naturally all add to this balance. And don't forget about self care. We can only care for others if we first care for our self. Feeding our body, mind and soul.